Prior to the Residential Tenancies Act 2004, residential tenancies were unregulated. The practice at the time was to give a 12 month lease.
The common understanding of a rent review was that it was a change of rent and it could occur only every 12 months and apply at the start of the new 12 month Fixed Term lease.
The Residential Tenancies Act 2004
The RTA 2004 established the (P)RTB, a state agency that would amongst other things, maintain a register of tenancies. Registration of a tenancy is now compulsory.
The RTA 2004 also established Adjudicators and Tribunals. The RTB could appoint Adjudicators and Tribunals for disputes but could not direct them. In other words they are independent of the RTB.
In Part 4 of the Act, the principal of a minimum in security of tenure ( Part 4 tenancy ) was created.
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